The Slate River Valley, my second favorite valley in the world. The glaciation is so evident on the valley walls that it looks like they just receded yesterday.
I like this one except for the fact that the lamp is dead center of the painting. I know better than that. It didn't start out just keep migrating right as i tried to get the shade to glow. I'll probably try this again with a better composition, maybe in a square format with more focus on the wall.
Afternoon light along the Salmon River. This is on the main fork, just north of Riggins, Idaho. There's some unique light there, so I may do a small series of these.
Maybe it's because I don't have a lawn, but I've always felt that dandelions have gotten a bad rap. I mean, even if they only look like this for a few weeks each spring, it's a pretty beautiful few weeks.
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I am using this blog as a catalyst, to inspire me to paint every day. There are forms, compositions and color juxtapositions everywhere i look, provided that i take the time to do so. So if you see that i haven't posted a painting in several days, leave me a comment deriding me for my laziness and lack of artistic conviction. I have no excuse not to put brush to canvas, regardless of the subject matter around me. I hope you enjoy the results.