15 May 2008

Red Bed and Flyover, 8x10, Acrylic/Canvas

I've been on the road alot lately. I liked the contrast of shapes in this one. This is I-15 north-bound again, between Salt Lake and Ogden. Rush hour traffic there is a pain, but the light is good this time of year if you are dumb enough to look while driving. I am. Have you ever tried to navigate in heavy, stop and go traffic while looking through a camera lense? You probably shouldn't.
to a collector in New York, New york


Liza Hirst said...

Nice painting, Zack! Lovely colours!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I love your paintings. I discovered you on the daily painters site, and now I eagerly await every day's Zack Thurmond painting. Amazing stuff!

Laurie Breton

Zack Thurmond said...

Thanks, Laurie! I'll try post some good ones for you!