I've been chased down this valley by more rain, hail, and snow storms than I care to count. I remember snow-shoeing up here on an absolutely bluebird day a few winters ago, when the typical afternoon puffers combined into a boiling wall of cloud over West Elk Peak. I bounced back down-valley to the trailhead, feeling chased the whole way. On the short drive back to Ohio Creek, the shadow from the front literally
passed me. I was driving about forty miles an hour, and it swallowed me. I watched it move down my hood and speed up the road to the west. In my rearview mirror there was nothing but a swirling vortex of white and gray...no mountains, no sky, no road. Not only did the thing pass me, but it managed to drop about two inches of snow in the five minutes it took me to get back to pavement. That weather was possessed. And it was wonderful.
to a collector in Woodland Hills, CA